Monday, March 4, 2013

Princess Zelda is Here! and some blog format changes

Okay, so it's been a bazillion years since I've posted, but for good reason. I basically felt like a humongous slug and was in constant pain the whole last month of being pregnant pretty much. Okay, so maybe it's not a good reason, but it's a reason.

I'm still going to continue to blog when I can, even though Zelda is now here. It'll just be a little sporadic and shorter posts, since I'll be doing them as she sleeps pretty much.

And I still have blogs that I was working on that haven't made it to the page yet (like the Ultrasound timeline and my belly pictures), of when I was still pregnant, so I'll still be posting those, as wells as our thoughts on being first time parents, so it's a format change of sorts. Hope that's okay with you guys ;)

I also decided to not change the web address, even though it only says pregnancy in it because it was really long when I added "and parenthood" to it. I might change it later, but I'll give you a heads up in a post before I do it.

So this is Zelda Rosalyn Chapple:

Who are you and why are you holding me and not Mom? ;)

Birthday Cupcake, a gift from Amy and Jen

Link already protecting Princess Zelda, only a day old

This is her birth announcement that I ordered from Shutterfly, 
                                                         should be getting here this week! 

Just like the announcement says: born February 8th, 2013 at 4:44pm, 8 lbs, 12 oz. 20 inches. Born right on her due date, what a punctual baby, haha. And, some extra trivia, she was born about 9 minutes after I was, in the afternoon. I thought that was interesting when I was looking at my baby book and birth certificate the other day.

She's just gorgeous, right? And we love her and she drives us nuts, too. She's almost a month old as I write this and she's starting to stir, so I better wrap this up, LOL.

Wait until you hear the funny things my husband has been saying on next to no sleep. I mean, me, too, but he made me laugh so hard I cried, but making me cry nowadays isn't too hard to do...and I'll get that as well. Don't worry, though, I'm alright, in case you are worried. And my doctor appointment is this Friday, so it's all good. I'll keep you posted as usual. 


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Stuff that People Say to Pregnant Women that Really Honks Me Off

Hi Everyone! I missed you!

Life got very crazy over the past few months and I also realized that trying to blog on a consistent basis is actually very hard, especially now that the holidays are upon us.
I’ll be updating you guys on what month I’m in now, some belly pics, ultrasound pics and some other random thoughts very soon. In fact, this is one blog of two that I have done, so watch out for the next one in a couple of days. I like to space them out to give people time to read and do some last minute edits and whatnot.

So now that my husband and I have our own living space and my laptop has mostly stopped being a pain in the ass, I present you with: Stuff that People Say to Pregnant Women that Really Honks Me Off.

I can’t be the only pregnant woman who thinks these things when they are said to me, I just can’t be. I did take a poll of sorts and asked people to contribute, which they did super thank you, but I also realize that there are MANY, MANY more things that could or have been said. If you’d like to share them in the comment section or send them to me, I can put them in another blog, like a part 2 of sorts. I’m sure we could come up with enough for a Part 5 or 6 at least, but you know. This is at least what I have heard said to others or myself, and you can chalk it up to hormones if you'd like, but seriously try to put yourself in our shoes and imagine someone saying these things to you. Seriously.

They are not in any particular order; it was just as I was thinking of them or as they were sent to me as I worked on this blog, in case you were wondering.

“If you think this is bad, wait until you go into labor.”

What you end up saying in response: Oh, no! *pretends to look horrified and shocked*

What you would like to say:Yeah, thanks for the update there. You want to share details? No thanks, I really don’t want to hear it.

“I heard that you might end up peeing and pooping on the delivery table. (Horrified) Isn’t that awful?!?”

What you end up saying in response: *pretends to look horrified as well* You’re KIDDING ME?!?

What you would like to say: Well considering you’re pushing a baby out of your body and your body isn’t able to differentiate between baby and placenta and poop; I’ve made peace with it. And I’m going to be in so much pain, supposedly, that I could probably give two shits, pun intended, if I poop the table, like they haven’t seen that before anyway. Just sayin’.

“Well, it doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or girl, as long as it’s healthy.”

What you end up saying in response: Yeah, you’re right. Healthy is best.

What you’d like to say: What the fuck does that mean? It doesn’t even make sense because the two statements aren’t really related. I never understood this sentence. It’s not like healthy is a gender choice. I’m just saying.

“Don’t you think you’ve had enough to eat already? You’re not really eating for two, you know.”

What you end up saying in response: Well, actually I am according to my doctor. Just following doctor’s orders and my weight gain has been appropriate.

What you would like to say: I’m hungry. Fuck off.

“You’re 20 weeks? You’re halfway there and it only gets worse from here.”

What you end up saying in response: Oh, I know, it’s been rough, but here comes the hard part!

What you would like to say: Thanks, that’s great to hear and makes me feel so much better about the whole process. Thanks for enlightening me.

“I don’t understand why you have all these symptoms. I never had any symptoms when I was pregnant, the things they come up with nowadays.”

What you end up saying in response: Well, everyone’s pregnancy is different and mine just happens to be like this, but it will be alright, it’s not so bad.

What you would like to say: ………………………. *smacks person in the face*

“Oh, you’re so lucky it’s so early in your pregnancy, at least you’re not 8 months pregnant in (insert season person would hate to be pregnant during here).”

What you end up saying in response: Yeah, I guess I just lucked out this time! haha!

What you would like to say: Does it really matter what season I am pregnant in? Wouldn’t I just hit all of them at some point since humans are pregnant for technically 10 months anyway and a whole year is 12 months? What season would I miss exactly? And how do you know I wouldn’t enjoy being pregnant during the summertime, maybe I like being really warm instead of freezing my ass off in the winter.

“How can you be working full time in your condition? (as if pregnancy is a disease)”

What you end up saying in response: I know, but you do what you gotta do, right?

What you would like to say: *looks at them like they are an idiot and then says* What do you mean, my condition? It’s not like I have the Plague and am going to die, okay? It’s a natural part of life and you can continue to have a life as you progress through your “condition” So I can’t lift heavy stuff, I don’t like lifting heavy things anyway! Who does, really? That’s the ONLY thing I can’t do, by the way. 

“Are you sure you're only______ months?”

What you end up saying in response: Yeah, me and baby are sure packing on those pounds, haha!

What you would like to say: I think you just accidentally called me fat. Nice one. If it’s any consolation, it was the nicest way to say it possible.

“Enjoy your sleep now, because when the baby comes you won't get any!”

What you end up saying in response: Well, I will be sure to do that!

What you would like to say: For me, this is my number one I really hate hearing this said to me repeatedly and let me tell you why. It’s because once you hit about 7 or 8 months, you have a hard time sleeping again like you most likely did in the first trimester because you are huge as a house and you go ahead and try to turn over in your bed without feeling like you are pulling apart your pelvic bone and tissue down there, I dare you. The Get All The Sleep You Can Boat has sailed already okay, and I don’t need reminding that I sleep like shit and will continue to sleep like shit until the kid is 18, okay?

If you don’t mind me asking, what’s the baby’s name? (You tell them) Oh…how nice!

What you say in response: Yeah, it’s a little different, but I’m sure he/she will love it!

What you really want to say: Didn’t see that coming, right? Don’t like it, huh? Tough shit. Nice face you made there, by the way.

*Rolls Eyes and Pauses*

Friday, September 28, 2012

What I’ve been up to since June: Stress during Pregnancy (and our 16 week ultrasound)

First off, super thanks for the patience in waiting for more blogs.

LOTS of things have happened to us in a VERY SHORT span of time, so there was next to zero time for me to sit and blog.

I’ll get to explaining that at the end of this intro, so let’s start with the whole perspective thing. I think it’s important to mention at this point.

I stopped and thought about it and at first, I didn’t want to mention all this other stuff I’ve been going through since we found out we’re having a baby, but upon further pondering, it looks like it really has affected how things are right now, as far as my mental and physical state goes.

Basically, once I explain, it might make me look less of an asshole. I say this because I have been a bit of a Debbie Downer on Facebook as of late. If you knew exactly what has transpired since June, then maybe you would understand why I was at the end of my sanity rope…with doctors and life in general.

Too much change all at once is not good, for anyone.

For those who could care less or already know, you can skip to the end and go awwwww at the 16 week ultrasound. And no, that is not a penis, we won’t find out the gender until the end of September.

I’ll try to make this part as short as possible.

So here goes:

It actually starts back in May.

I felt like crap at the beginning of it. Took two pregnancy tests (since I stopped taking BC in January), one said very faintly that I was, the next said, HAHA JUST KIDDING. I believed the just kidding one. Possibly denial, but it turns out it was just SUPER EARLY.

We had people over for Cinco De Mayo and I drank three margaritas. They were super yummy and I didn’t end up hung over the next day, which is strange for me, but whatever. Bonus!

I asked my internship to let me know if they were going to keep me on as full time. They waited until the very last minute to tell me, on a Friday; basically the week before the Career Fair at my school and the same week that we would need to tell the leasing office whether we were staying in our apartment or not.

Jerry from Tom and Jerry. This pretty much sums up how I felt about that.

I helped my parents move out of their house that was being torn down and built into another mansion (like Elmhurst needs anymore of those, whatever) and into my sister’s house until they found another house because their Realtor was an INCOMPETENT ASSHOLE. They hate the place they are living in right now and it’s way too small for them. Partially their fault, mostly the Realtor’s. It’s like 20/80 in my eyes.

Stewie from Family Guy, being himself.

One day while I was helping them pack up the house, I was in so much pain and had so much nausea, I fell asleep on my mom’s bed, woke up, took some pills my sister gave me and fell back asleep again.

Um…oooooookaaaaaaay, that’s weird. Must be exhausted from everything going on. Yeah, that’s it. At the time I said it was possibly my period, buuuuuut…

It was supposed to be at the beginning of the month. I was stressed out by everything that I lost track of when it was supposed to be, or just figured it was super late because of the stress. Cramping like mad, but no bleeding.

That should have been a red flag (no pun intended…and ewwww), but again, it didn’t even cross my mind. 

Too many other things going on.

We decide to move to Saint Louis, thinking it was the best overall decision for us at this point. I wasn’t finding a job and was starting to freak out about it. Steve still had another year of school left, we had a ton of bills and I went down to part-time at my full time job and desperately needed out due to harassing coworker and other factors. It just wasn’t working out.

If you’ve read the first blog, you already know that I found out I was pregnant at the beginning of June, right after I biked 8 miles in 90 degree weather and sat in a hot tub for 2 minutes before going holy hell that is hot.
Then I turned 33 and graduated college all in the same weekend. It took me 15 years to graduate college. But I finally did it.

Bender from Futurama…just kidding, you don’t have to clap LOL, just being funny.

And then we had or first ultrasound and then moved to Saint Louis.

That was just May and June.

July and August was spent in Saint Louis and it was hotter than the seventh level of hell, which might as well been like this:

The Eye of Sauron from Lord of the Rings. Dude needs some Clear Eyes reeeeally bad, yo.

And then people kept telling me, “Oh, you’re so lucky it’s so early in our pregnancy, at least you’re not 8 months pregnant right now.”

The Fry Meme from Futurama. I’ll be using this picture a lot, so get used to it LOL.

You’ll see that phrase again in an upcoming blog titled: Things People Say to Pregnant Women That Really Honk Me Off.

Anyways, I would have been okay with hearing that except I was puking my guts out at LEAST twice a week if not more. No necessarily from the heat, but the heat wasn’t helping matters in general.

Thanks for the thought, though.

I did have some pretty awesome people call or text while I was down there to see how we were doing, for which I was very thankful for beyond measure. It turns out I got really depressed, about how things were working out, about being pregnant (yes, that’s right) and a multitude of other things. And then I discovered why the depression was so bad later on (it’s, again, in a later blog titled Finding Proper OB Care: Also Known As %%^$$#@@$!). The short version is that my thyroid meds were off, and it contributed to it, making it worse than it would have been ordinarily. You should still read that blog, though, because there’s more to it than just that, of course.

We decided to move back to Chicago at the end of August because Steve couldn’t find a school down here to finish his engineering degree in a decent amount of time (ie before the baby comes, or shortly after) so we decided to come back up to Chicago so he could finish his degree at the same school that he started it at, DeVry University. I would also like to note that DeVry does have a school down here in Saint Louis, but they don’t carry his degree program down here. Finishing it online was not an option either because he was told that his degree would not be accredited because 28 credits out of 139 would not be accredited. WHAT THE FUCK.

So, we returned so he can go back to our idiotic school that makes no sense (I say our because I still go to visit and play games with the Old School Games Club and I graduated from there this past June). The only good news I got recently was that our moronic financial aid advisor finally got fired. She’s the reason why I have $10, 000 of extra loan debt, so it warms my heart to hear she got canned.

Nelson from the Simpsons. Google Image search. 

We also returned so I could finally get proper OB care, but I rant and rave all about that in a separate blog, which will be the next one most likely. You should read it because you will go, “You’ve got to kidding me.”

Or maybe you might go, “Yup, that sounds about right.”

We moved in with my parents for less than two weeks (because I love them, but they’re fucking crazy) and then proceeded to stay with some friends for a week while we figured out where we were going to go next and not be homeless (because Jen and Richard are amazeballs awesome) and for some kitty therapy (Rich’s cats) since we left my cat down in Saint Louis with Steve’s parents so she wouldn’t have to be a gypsy cat, so now we’re with another set of friends (who also provide kitty therapy as well) in the meantime until we figure out where to land for at least the next six months to a year while Steve finished school and with the baby.

That whole previous paragraph happened in one week.

No shit.

Ichigo from Bleach. Pretty much sums up my face about that whole thing. Google Image search. 

And that’s pretty much when we hit bottom. It was like we just couldn’t take anymore bad shit happening to us.

It’s been a slow climb up since, with slips here and there.

So, in short…It’s been a rough five months or so is an understatement, with new problems arising everyday it seems, like having a temp job for three days and then being asked not to come back, but we’ll get through it. On the plus side, Steve has a temp job and his classes are hard but he’s doing well in them, so at least that’s something.

And the baby is doing awesome and is super healthy, despite all the stress of the ongoing situation.
I try to not be so down and depressed, so when I think of the baby, I try to think of happier things. For his/her sake. And sometimes for mine, too.

I don’t want Baby to think that he/she is coming into a bad world or situation, because he or she/won’t be. 
We will do what it takes to make sure everything will be okay for him/her. We’ll find a way.

Yes it is. Google Image search. 

And that makes me feel a little better, even if it’s only for a little while before I go back to worry mode.

And if anyone has any suggestions as to how to find a place to live with next to no income and a baby on the way, it would be appreciated. Just throwing that out there.

And now, for the ultrasound pics:

Baby Chapple at 16 weeks (pic1)

Baby Chapple at 16 weeks (pic2) and no, that is not a penis before you ask…LOL.

I know, he/she is just beautiful, right?


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Tossing Your Cookies: Yum! Cookies!...Wait a Minute…Ewwww! and Why am I Losing Weight?!?

First off, sorry it took so long to get this up. A lot of life stuff has been going on (some of which will appear in a later blog), but just so you know, I plan to be a little more prompt with the entries in the future. More than once or twice a month for absolute sure. Thanks for being patient!

Okay, so before you leave the page disgusted, it’s not what you think.

Okay, well maybe it is, but it’s not going to be super gross, I promise. Just a little gross.

It’s more about nausea and how it makes you feel, rather than the end product.

Well, proceed at your own discretion just in case you have a weak stomach or constitution. In other words, if you’re a sympathy puker, then you might want to skip this one, just in case.

And this isn’t to discourage people from having kids, either. I just think you should know what you could possibly be signing up for, that’s all. Everyone is different, so it may or may not happen to you. I like to hear all the options, though; it’s just how I am.  

So I left off with this form the last blog: Steve said I should start a blog called: Here’s what’s wrong with me today from being pregnant lol. Example for Week 11: I feel like an extra on the set of the Blob and all the cats puked in sympathy for me while I was puking in the bathroom. At least it doesn’t feel like superman kicked me in the crotch today.


So when I first found out I was pregnant and after the initial shock wore off, I looked back and thought about my current symptoms.

REALLY tired (which could be mistaken for thyroid meds being off)
Slight knot in my stomach when I woke up
Being REALLY hungry and wanting chips and salsa, like, all the time
And my acne was hardcore awful the week before my “period”. You know, the one that didn’t come. I’m talking instead of two three pimples, it was like six or seven. And they were BIG.
Oh and let’s not forget the random heartburn. I suspected something was amiss when I got heartburn while making spaghetti one night, before I even had a single bite.


So I thought, well, if this is it as far as feeling sick, it’s not so bad! I don’t know what everyone was talking about, all this puking and needing Tums and stuff.

Go ahead. I will wait while you scoff, laugh or shake your head and say, “Oh Foolish Kelly”. I’ll wait.

First, it was the Tums. Oh some mild heartburn, that’s not so bad. Then, the knot in my stomach became more persistent and stayed around longer throughout the day. No problem, I’ll eat some saltines.

Except I went through a whole sleeve within a week  o.O

Uh-oh. Okay, so I am sick of eating Tums and Saltines, big whip, there must be something else I can eat right?


Um, okay.

And then, I finally puked.

I figured I just hit the back of my throat with my toothbrush; that does happen from time to time, no big.

And then it happened again. And again. Right before we moved, too.

DAMMIT I don’t have time for this shit right now! I need to pack. And then it switched from morning to night, or basically after anytime that I ate.

FOOD FAIL and WHHHYYY Are you trying to kill me baaaaaaaaaaaaaabyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???????

That is what it felt like.

And this is what I looked like, as described on my Facebook status: Your TMI for the day: I puked so hard this morning I broke blood vessels in my head and face. I look like I have the measles: /

True Story.

It didn’t go away for five days. And it happened two more times, but not nearly as severe as the first time, because I learned to close my eyes and shut them tight.

It could be worse, from what I have read, so I have been relatively lucky. Except for the whole hearing, “Oh, I never had any problems like that when I was pregnant, the things they come up with nowadays.” from various people.

To give you some perspective, as I write this blog I am in Week 15 and I still puke, but it’s only twice a week, as opposed to what seemed like every other day. That is good in a way, but still puking is still puking in my book. In fact, my husband offered this advice about it recently after I had said I would rather have any other symptom, ANY, other than puking.

Steve: “Well, you really mean that, right? I mean, maybe you should be more specific, or make a list in order of preference.”

Kelly: “You mean a numbered list? Like I would rather #2: Have a skin rash over #5: Have the trots and all of that would be preferred over praying to the porcelain god every morning?”

Steve:  trying not to chuckle and failing “Yeah, that would work, I guess.”

So one day I had finally had enough and had casually said, “I would rather have the trots than puke. Seriously.”

And then it happened. No joke. Guess being more specific does help. But I didn’t like that, either, so I went back to being okay with the occasional pukefest.

Then a doctor’s visit confirmed I had lost weight. Do not panic, it is normal from what I was told. It’s still troubling, though, because you need to stay hydrated, you worry that the baby isn’t getting enough nutrition and all that AND I thought my clothes were not fitting properly before…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that’s a WHOLE other blog.

And guess what ended up saving me, of all things? That’s right, Ginger Ale. I drank it like it was water the first week I discovered it’s amazing healing properties, which consisted of making me feel like I wasn’t going to puke for a couple of hours

*Insert choir of angels singing here please*

Since then I have eased up on it, but I still drink it at least every other day.

Suck on that, saltines!

And now, a conversation with a friend around Week 11 or so via text message:

Amy: How are you feeling this morning?

Me: Like shit, I threw up this morning and then this happened:

Me: Our cat puked on my Overboard (comic) book and I don’t know which one puked right in front of the kitchen. I assume Kitty (yes that is her name) because it was chunky, Stevie (again, yes this is his name and no he’s not named after my husband, it was his shelter name otherwise yes I agree that would be a bit on the creepy side) only pukes liquid from what I have seen so far. Super gross, not even hungry right now.

Me: After I puked in the bathroom I came out and it was like puke central. Gah.

Me: Maybe it was sympathy puke? I doubt it, I give cats way too much credit. I would have gotten a dog, but they fart and are dumb.

Amy: And cats don’t fart?

Me: Also, I can’t seem to get through the sentence about dogs farting and being dumb without laughing uncontrollably. I guess my five year old sense of humor hormones have kicked in, maybe I am having a boy after all lol

Me: I have never heard or smelled my cat fart, seriously.

Me: To be sure, cats are dumb, too. I know because I live with 3 of them now. All dumber than a bag of rocks.

Okay, so the conversation deviated a little bit, but come on. Living with 3 cats can drive you crazy. And you seem to lose maturity or brain cells. Or both. Whatever.

Later on in the conversation:

Me: I should be done with this bullshit puking already, right? I mean it’s just yellow bile coming up and that shit sucks!

Me: So, to answer your question, a little bitchy and sick today lol

Amy: 3 or 4 months

Me: Fuck. I am 11 weeks. So possibly another month of this bullshit puking? Fuck me.

Amy: I know, sucks.

Yes, it does. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, though, so that is good.

And I also had some Photoshop and Mii fun during all of this, too. I guess it was my way of having a sense of humor about it.

My husband and I have made several versions of ourselves in the Mii Plaza on our Wii. There’s regular Kelly and Steve, Grandma Kelly and Grandpa Steve (us a little wider and with gray hair basically), Pancake Lovin’ Steve (which is what Steve would look like fat, if you can even imagine that…*sarcasm*).
So then I decided to make a Preggers Kelly:

And just so you have prespective as to what I normally look like in the Mii Plaza, I will place them side by side (well, I would if this stupid formatting would let me, so one on top of the other will have to do, you can scroll to compare):

You don’t even want to see the picture that has my original Mii, the Preggers Kelly Mii and then my regular husband’s Mii all lined up next to each other.

It almost made me puke.

I got new glasses recently, so the Preggers Kelly reflects that, along with the whole feeling like a small whale look. I picked lime green because it reminded me of puke honestly and the face, well; it’s perfect, isn’t it? 

That right there, about sums up my experience with “morning” sickness.

That and this sticker, which I got the idea for from this awesome comic:

which of course is courtesy of Bill Waterson's Calvin and Hobbes comic, not my property blah blah blah and all that crapola.

If my morning sickness was a test, it would definitely earn this sticker, and then some:

Okay, so this I made myself, but it's still his images. You get the gist, I hope. I couldn't find a barfing face sticker, so I made one for fun okay? 
